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Organic Food

from Organic Seeds

100% Organic and Biodynamic from the start

We want to become a leading player in the European organic seed market by using the favorable current market environment and dynamics, buy, build & convert opportunities due to the EU goal to generate 25 % organic agriculture till 2030.

Seeds are the source of life, a symbol for the beginning, growth, food, health and of the origin. They are part of our heart, wishes and longing for better life

Living Seeds International Logo


Advantages of organic seeds

  • Better adapted to the environment (climate, soil and biodiversity)

  • Pure organic products without chemicals

  • Higher grade of essential ingredients

  • Climate active impact due to intercrop and crop rotation

  • Food souvereignty due to using organic open pollinated seeds

  • Lower plant breeding costs

Story of Living Seeds
100% Organic and Biodynamic from the start

LSI’s growth strategy aims to become a dominant player in the European organic seed market by using the favorable current market environment and dynamics, buy, build & convert opportunities due customer demand, the EU Green Deal (25% organic agriculture till 2030 and the EU Directive of Organic Farming (organic food from organic seeds).

Our Mission

is to produce high quality organic seeds, offer customers easy access to the best organic seeds and to cater the growing market demand

Dedicated to organic and biodynamic breeding, production, processing and use of quality organic seeds

Accessible to both, professional farmers as well as hobby market

Own R&D facillities, member of research centres

Our Vision

is to become a European player for organic and biodynamic seeds in cooperation with other organic and Demeter seed companies


  • Organic food needs to originate from organic seeds

  • To organize high demands in a fragmented market and locally oriented producers

  • To increase quality of seeds for professional farming

  • To increase the Supply of Demeter seeds

eCommerce and e-Trading will be the next challenge to allocate similar quality seed resources

LSI Business Solution

  • Without conversion from conventional towards organic seeds we will not reach 25% market share in 2030.

  • LSI is supporting conversion towards organic and Demeter in production of seeds, farming, training and consulting

  • Demeter, ISO 9001, Climate active, organic associations

To build a unified e-commerce and e-Trading to further consolidate the market within the organic movement and organic-ecosystem