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Living Seeds Products

Living Seeds International has a unique product offering including demeter certification and own R&D facilities that is attractive for customers in the hobby market as well as for professional customers utilizing the benefits of organic seeds

LSI is focused on own production of 100 % organic / biodynamic seeds which are reusable and will be used for products that are organic across the whole value chain

It takes organic seeds to complete the organic food value chain.

Differences between hybrid varieties vs. replicable varieties

  • Two origins: crossing of always the same inbred lines

  • F1* generation more efficient, uniform, larger and higher yielding

  • Usually, no seed can be obtained for further crops

*F1 hybrid is the first fillial generation of offspring distinctly different parental types

  • Plants with the same characteristics as the parents grow from the seeds

  • Natural reproduction is possible (reusable)

  • Traditional varieties with culture

Our product offering




Legumes / green manure

Our product portfolio contains about several hundred varieties and various mixture of green fertilizer from farmers of several countries in Europe and North Africa being part of the LSI producer network

Hobby market

Our customers

  • Retailers

  • Garden centers

  • Agri-shops

  • Supermarket chains

  • B2B business (but end user are the individual consumers)

Professional market

Our customers

  • Agri-shops

  • Farmers

  • individual business B2B